
Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello Denver!

I arrived safely in Denver today :).  I actually brought two projects with me (I guess I was feeling a little bit ambitious when I left the house this morning lol).  I worked on the baby blanket that I posted about last time.  I'm about half way done.  Maybe I can work on it during the conference a bit...idk.

But Denver seems nice so far.  It is much quieter than NYC or even parts of NJ.  The hotel we are staying at is well....interesting.  I probably would never stay here again.  Unfortunately we are in a smoking double so it really smells of smoke here.  We've tried fabric refeshers, and it is a little better, but not by much.

This is the view from our room:

LOL, ahh, the beautiful stadium!  Dinner was pretty good..we went to an Asian grill place and it was decent.

The conference actually starts tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes.  I think that I will have a bit of down time (which probably will be filled with doing homework and final exams), but I do hope to try and see if there are any yarn stores around Denver.  (NOT THAT I NEED MORE YARN), but it couldn't hurt to just look.  There are two that are *relatively* close--The Lamb Shoppe and Fancy Tiger Crafts which both look interesting.

I do miss home, and I'm looking forward to returning to my nice snugglie smoke free bed!  Ok, I'm feeling a bit jet lagged and probably need to sleep!!! NIGHT NIGHT!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Plane project....

Not to be confused with "plain" project lol.  I'm flying to a conference this weekend and I need to figure out some sort of project to take with me on the plane.  Yes, knitting needles and crochet hooks are allowed on planes! They aren't weapons...hooray!  I'm confused if I can bring scissors with me or not.  This site makes me think that small scissors are ok, yet this site that talks about knitting and needlepoint makes me think that I can't. I'm confused.  Sooooo, I think that I need to figure out a project that doesn't require color changes or any sort of binding off until the end.

BUT, I really don't know what I want to take.  Do I want it to be knitting or crochet?  Maybe a nice single color baby blanket would be ok...but how much yarn?  Something made from one HUGE pound of love  ball or something made from smaller skeins?  Or should I just make a scarf?  LOL who needs a scarf maybe the baby blanket.  I just don't know!  Maybe I should bring this hibernating blanket project with me.....the skeins are smallish and maybe I wouldn't have to take them all in my carry on.....

Hmmm, decisions, decisions.  I'm not even sure what I'm going to bring with me clothes wise hahahaha.

Ok, back to work! :)

The Office

Being a Graduate Assistant, I get the lovely perk of having an on campus office :) (which is shared with one of my fellow GAs--who also crochets and knits yay!).  Anywho, the office is very very boring and honestly, quite ugly.  The walls are bare and unfortunately we have data stored everywhere.  However, as long as my office mate agrees, I'd like to try and spruce it up a bit for next year.  Obviously we can't paint or anything, but I was hoping to come up with some creative decorating ideas (including crochet and or knitting!).

Here's some photos of the office.  You can see our two desks and bulletin board, along with the gigantic printer, printer, and scanner.

This is our one and only window with the built-in (I think it's built-in at least) book case.  That radiator gets *SOOOOO* hot when the heat is on!

The door :).  See all the boxes of data?  YIKES!

And finally, the refrigerator and microwave wall.

The office isn't much to look at right now, but I think that it has some potential.  The walls are messy when you look at them close up, the paint is peeling in some places or it has chipped off, and there are nail marks from where things used to be hanging.  I think this probably is the only arrangement of the room that is going to work since we have to fit all of this stuff in here.

I definitely would like to add some framed photos or posters of some sort, a lamp (maybe) and some decorations.  Any suggestions?  Obviously everything has to be low low low low cost (aka free or found).

I guess this is a good summer project!  I know that I've seen a bunch of fun stuff on the Attic24 blog that I would love to make.  Lucy is such an inspiration!!  I love her flowers, heart bunting/garland, pillows, etc.  I think some of that would be very nice in the office--and I know I'd like a nice desk cushion to sit on--I HATE my chair hahaha.

:) Ok, I better get back to studying for my final that is in 1/2 an hour!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Inspiration is found in fun places

Babette-ish Cushion no. 2
Originally uploaded by rettgrayson
While perusing different blogs, I stumbled upon this lovely lovely photo. The colors in it are just amazing and I love the Babette Blanket (which inspired this soon-to-be cushion).  Well, I decided to look through the other photos that this flickr member had up and I found one of a tree painting that is absolutely awesome!

You can find the entire set of tree paintings here.  I love the use of color and pattern and shape.  Totally wonderful!!!

I feel so inspired to crochet, or knit, or paint...too bad I have to do homework XD.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog: Attic24

I enjoy the work that Lucy, the author of the Attic24 blog, does.  Her colors are just amazing!  In fact, I would love to decorate a house or craft room in the style that she does.  If you scroll down to her April 15th post, you can see some of the decorations that I'm talking about.  I love the whimsical nature of it and quirkiness of it all.  I really am inspired by her blog :).

Monday, April 19, 2010

Yarn sale!

A.C. Moore had select yarns on sale last week including these large balls by Bernat! Normally $8.99 I got each for $3.99! That was a fantastic sale! Each one can probably make one blanket for a baby....I think the solids definitely can. :) I'm excited! I loooove new yarn!

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Friday, April 9, 2010

I wear my sunglasses at night....

New photos! MSU Night and what I think is a spider nest in a tree outside my bathroom window :).  Now, if I only had some pictures of yarn ;).

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sock yarn orphan scarves

Forgot to post pictures last month when I finished these!

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I'm in love with my new camera!

I'm totally in love with my new camera!  If you want to check out some of the moments I've been capturing with it, check out my flickr account!

April 2010 nature, NYC skyline, Montclair State University at night, Easter 2010, and just a lot of random test photos.
