
Friday, January 27, 2012

Make-a-statement hat

Well, I finished knitting this hat on the train this morning and I'm disappointed. It's too short (I think) and sort of snug. I think I might frog and knit it again. I need to see how it fits my mom. I've a large head, but I think my mom's is larger. We will see. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Let's play catch up....

I just realized that I never posted about the results of my Christmas crafting....or other things that have gone on since Christmas.  Have I mentioned how busy 2012 has been?  It has been AWESOME too :)!

Soooo on to some of the finished gifts I never posted about.  First we have a remote caddy that my friend asked me to make him after seeing the one that I had made back in October (I'm not sure if I ever posted the finished picture...).  So, of course, it became part of his Christmas gift!

Then I also made him a pair of fingerless gloves.  These are knit in Knit Picks City Tweed DK in "Enchanted." The pattern is from Son of Stitch 'n Bitch and is called "Beer Gloves."  Honestly these pictures don't do the yarn justice.  The color is a soft teal and the yarn is SO SO SO soft! I'm happy I have maybe 2/3 of a ball left! :)  The gloves are nice because they have a cable that runs up the back of the hand and a seed stitch palm :).  This was my first time knitting fingers and I have to isn't as hard as it seems.

I also finished knitting myself a yoga mat bag.  I've been practicing Bikram yoga for maybe a year and a half if not more, off and on, but during the past few months I've gotten really serious about it.  I wasn't the biggest fan of just carrying my rolled up mat, so I knitted this bag.  The pattern is from the Lily Sugar'n Cream website and is available for free :).  I crocheted the tie and the strap.  I do recommend making the strap MUCH shorter than you think you want it to be.  I knew it would stretch, but I didn't realize how much ;).

Now on to the presents that aren't quite done yet....which I feel really badly about.  The elves got a little behind this year...and somethings just haven't been finished yet.  Like my best friend Matt's gift....that's still being worked on.  I'll say it's about 75-80% done.  I won't post a picture of it, because he only wants to see it as a finished product :).

I also didn't finish my mom's blanket....which I started in 2010 as a Christmas 2010 gift!  The pattern isn't hard...I think it is just because it is BIG and I can't take it on the train with me during my commute.  Honestly, that's one of the only times I allow myself to knit and crochet.  I have to spend the rest of my time being a good PhD student!  I think I have maybe a third left to crochet for it.  You can see it on my bed in the picture below.  It's reached my stuffed animals!!

Speaking of stuffed animals...I just got this sheep the other day :).  I'm such a sucker for a soft squishy animal, especially a sheep!  I named her Helenka after my Aunt Helen who taught me to crochet when I was 5 or 6 :).

My friend Lindsey is in Japan for a year.  Maybe a month and a half ago she tweeted about how cold she has been and I told her I'd make her a hat and scarf if she wanted.  I unfortunately got SO busy with school and Christmas that I just finally made the hat.  She loves the color green, so I decided to knit her a green hat ;) (pure genius, I swear!)  The pattern is the Really Warm Hat and it came out cute.  I cant' decide if the pom pom is too large or not.  I look awful in that's why I'm hiding behind my camera haha.

I'm also working on a baby blanket that one of my friends asked me to make over the summer.  I unfortunately can't commit to any more commission projects right now, but it will be nice to finish this one.  It is basically just a pink blanket and then it gets a layer of ruffles on it.  It's cute and simple.  Also, it gave me an idea for something I can sell in my Etsy store once I get some free time to make inventory!  The pattern is from Lion Brand, but really I am just loosely following it.

If you care for the details, I chained 100 and crocheted 95 rows of half-double crochet.  Then the ruffles will go on next.

My mom also asked me to knit her the "Make-a-Statement Hat" from Lion Brand.  It's with wool-ease thick and quick and should be a fast knit.  Something to do on the train....

Finally, I realized that I never talked about what I did on NYE!  I went out with some friends and had a FABULOUS time!  Here is me in my dress :) and heels!  I usually never wear heels because I'm tall as it is and I never really thought I should wear them.  They made me about 6'3" and I think I was the tallest person where we were.  Amazing!

Annnnnnd finally, I've been really working hard on getting a draft of my dissertation proposal done.  Yesterday I finally achieved this goal.  It needs a lot of work, I'm sure, but at least I have a draft of each section!  Here I am working on it ;).

And that's all the news that's fit to my mom would say :).  I hope you have a nice Sunday!  Giants play today ;) GO G-MEN!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Craft Goals--2012

Here we are, about 2/3 the way through January 2012, and I've yet to post a blog entry about my goals for this year.  I've done a lot of thinking about what I want to accomplish this year.  The biggest thing for me is school.  I want and need to have my dissertation proposal finished and defended within the next few months.  I also need to have a few papers written and successful conference publications.  Therefore, I must really make one of my craft goals to craft less and make use of my knitting and crochet skills purely for relaxation purposes.

So, given that, here is my list of 2012 craft goals.

1. Do not commit to projects that will be very time intensive.
2. Use up yarn from my stash whenever possible.
3. Pick small projects that travel well. (Crocheting and knitting on my daily commute is still ok).
4. Knit fair isle--probably in the form of a coffee cup cozy.
5. Try to finish up WIPs this year.

And not let anything get in the way of your dissertation progress.  You'll have plenty of time after to sit and relax with some yarn.

This year will be a year of very few projects for others.  I'll just have to deal with this :).