Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and as part of my New Year's Resolution, I resolved to only give handmade gifts if possible. So I made my sweetie something and my Mommy something. My sweetie got crocheted "Hershey" kisses. I was inspired by a pattern that I saw on
Here's the pattern. However, I quickly found that I was REALLY bad at following that pattern, so I just kind of free handed them. One actually looks like a kiss (well to me at least), the other's I've been told look like an egg warmer and a little pear...but it's the thought that counts right? :-) Here's a photo of them!

So, I made 3 different ones, cause kisses always come in 3s :-). I've been told the pink one looks like an egg warmer lol. The blue one has a face as you can see, but the other's do not. Also the white "paper tag" has little I LOVE YOU messages on it!
And here's what I made for my mom:
They are coasters that are made from those melty bead thingys. (Yeah, that's the technical term...) I made her a heart for Valentine's Day, a rainbow because she's always sending me good thoughts in the form of rainbows, one full of flowers because she like flowers, and a Jewish star because she's been teaching in a new job at a Jewish Yeshiva school for girls :-) I also made her a card, which looks like this....
I gave Sweetie the kisses at the strike of midnight and Sweetie knew exactly what they were and was SO SO SO happy with them!!!