So, some of my readers might have noticed that I haven't been around in blog-land lately. (Well, actually for the past year!...I can't believe I haven't posted in a year!) Life sometimes gets so busy that I can't always find time to blog or share some creative ideas....and life surely was busy this past year.
If you follow me on Instagram (Jessicle322), you've kept up with my crafting and other life happenings. What have I crafted the most of this past year?....Doilies. In fact, I made 15 of them! Why I did I crochet 15 doilies? Well, I need them for table decorations.
Check out these great pictures (from Mike Peters' Photography) to see my doilies in action!
So, why did I need 15 doilies for table decorations? Well,...I needed them because I got married! That's right, CraftiniMarini, the Undergroundhooker, got hitched! We got married on April 18th, 2015 on the most GLORIOUS day of the month. The weather couldn't have been better!!
The wedding was so much fun--it was perfect! I couldn't imagine it having been a better day. I'm so happy that I got to marry such a wonderful man! He loves my crafting and tolerates (and I think even enjoys) my yarn stash!
In addition to the doilies, we tried to include many handmade details to our day. My Matron of Honor, Alexandra, made programs for our ceremony (so sad we didn't get a picture of them on our wedding day!)
A handmade "just married" sign that decorated the sweetheart table (and now hangs in our house).
Bouquet charms with pictures of loved ones and a beautiful monogrammed "something blue" made by my bridesmaid Lindsey.
Some props for the photobooth!
And since love is so sweet, a fun candy bar!!
(And special signs and little details throughout the rest of the event.)
What a wonderful time we had planning the wedding and an even better time we had celebrating together! Love really is sweet <3 .="" p="">
A special thanks to Mike Peters Photography for all of the amazing images of our big day and also to our bridal party and amazing friends and family. I am eternally grateful to all of the amazing help that my Man of Honor Matt gave me during the entire planning/crafting process! (I think we should continue our crafty Saturdays!)
We love you all!